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last hurrah造句

"last hurrah"是什么意思  
  • This is my last hurrah . i wanna go out in style
  • But just think of it as one last hurrah
  • In retrospect , that campaign looks like his last hurrah
  • " maybe this christmas was his last hurrah , and he ' ll start cutting back in1988 " he said
    他说: “这个圣诞节可能是他最后一次欢乐。 1988年他就要削减开支了。 ”
  • “ this is my last hurrah , ” the woman i met said . “ this room is where i ' ll die
    “这里就是我最后的乐土, ”我探访的老奶奶说, “这个屋子也将是我去见上帝的地方。
  • It's difficult to see last hurrah in a sentence. 用last hurrah造句挺难的
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